Meeting the needs of the whole Family
Men's Ministry
Men of character
A purposeful, intentional men's ministry is the foundation of every strong church. The men of Rock of Life Assembly of God meet the second Saturday of each month to study God's Word, build relationships, and disciple new believers.
Women's Ministry
Women of Purpose
When women connect with other women, they build meaningful relationships and find God's purpose for their lives. We were created for loving God, serving others, and bringing Him glory on the earth.
The women at Rock of Life
Assembly of God meet regularly to encourage each other, study God's Word, and meet the needs
of other women.
Young Adults
Young adults are hungry for purpose and relationships in their lives. Meeting regularly helps the young adults find God's purpose for their lives and gives them opportunities to build relationships with others.
The young adults get together the first Friday of every month for a Bible study, games,
and fellowship.
They also make time for an outing
once a month!
Children's Ministry
Kid's for Jesus
The Kids for Jesus (KFJ) children's ministry exists to meet the spiritual, social, and emotional needs of children. They are learning God's Word, praying prayers of faith, and applying biblical truths to their lives. They are excited to serve Jesus and be involved at church.